Our story
It all started with a conviction. The one that detecting CTC with a blood draw is the cornerstone of cancer management.
CTC are targets full of information because there are the viable agents directly responsible for cancer progression and aggressiveness. In the meantime, detecting signs of cancer at the cellular scale allows a general approach, easily useable in routine and complementary of molecular analyses.
Moreover, CTC are easily accessible, thanks to a simple blood draw which is a minimally invasive and harmless intervention for patients. Finally, to be deeply impactful, we believe that a test must be widely used and thus affordable and adapted to labs workflow. Our tests are dedicated to Researcher and Oncologists, to help them better understand cancer and choose the best options for patients.
Our team
Founded in June 2022, Oncosema operates an exclusive license of a patent from Instituto Português de Oncologia (Porto). Our team is dedicated to developing, manufacturing, and selling tests for Oncology, based on the determination of the CTC rate in blood, as a biomarker of cancer progression.
CSO, Founder and President
Anne-Laure MOUGENOT, PhD
Chief Market Development and Medical Officer, Co-founder
Clément AUGER, PhD
R&D Senior Scientist
Our network
Nothing could be possible without the support of our partners :
What does Oncosema stand for?
What does Oncosema stand for?
ONCO stands for oncology, of course.
SEMA comes from ancient Greek: it means “sign”. That’s what we do: detecting signs of cancer, to help caregivers improving patients’ care so that they can live a longer and healthier life.